

Specifies whether buttons will be always visible, inside each cell.

If set to False, button will be visible only after user starts editing. Single button is then placed inside Inplace-editor child control.

property AlwaysShowButton: Boolean read FAlwaysShowButton write SetAlwaysShowButton default False;


OnButtonClick event will occur on Button's click disregards of this property. When value is set to True, SelectedCol and SelectedRow properties of TNxCustomGrid6 can be used to detect in which cell button was clicked.

When Inplace-editors are used it is always recommended to access their properties first, e.g. set AsString to InplaceEdit rather than setting Value of Cell.

procedure TForm1.NxButtonColumn61ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin // If InplaceEdit is involved, set its value (!) if NextGrid61.InplaceEdit <> nil then begin NextGrid61.InplaceEdit.AsString := 'Placed outside'; end else NextGrid61.SelectedCell.AsString := 'Placed outside'; end;
For small demo, please navigate to sub-folder:
<NextSuite Folder>Demos\Next Grid\Delphi XE6\ButtonColumn

See also